We invite you to share your favourite camping recipes with us. 
Send them to us at admin@pembee.com.au . If we decide to publish your recipe,  we will send you a thank you gift.

As our flat-pack BBQ/Fire Pit was designed in Australia, where better to start off than with a true Aussie bush recipe… Damper.

What is Damper? Damper (a bush bread) was originally made by Indigenous Australians by crushing a variety of native seeds into a flour and making a dough which was cooked in the hot coals.

Why not give it a try and don’t be afraid to be creative and add your personal touch like olives, herbs, nuts or raisins.


  • 2 cups self-raising flour
  • 2 tsps. sugar
  • 2 tbs butter
  • 1½ cups milk
  • ½ tsp salt


Add the Flour salt and sugar to a bowl. Rub the butter through with your fingers until it is all crumbly.

Add the milk a little at a time until it forms a smooth dough. (Don’t knead) Next 

Form into a round ball and then flatten it out until its about an inch (2.5cms)  thick.

It’s ready to cook. 

Traditional cooking; 

Place flattened damper in the burnt (not red hot) coals and cover with coals cook for about 20 minutes 

Damper is ready if you “ Knock” on the top and it makes a hollow sound.

If you don’t like the sound of putting the damper straight into the coals, you can wrap in foil first then follow above instructions.

If you have a Camp oven you can put that into the hot coals and as well as putting hot coals on the lid.


Or you wrap the dough around a stick, put foil around and put into the coals. When it is ready remove the stick and add honey as a sweet treat.

With all four methods of cooking damper,  check it is ready by knocking on the top and getting a hollow sound, same trick used for baking most breads. 

Share any of your favourite camping recipes with us .  Go to “Enjoy Share and Win”